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These notes are created by me. I have used other resources such as Meyer 2014 and sris-physics. I have put months in completing these notes and I try to improve on them every year. I hope that it can be use for you.


This animation shows how standing waves are formed. Standing wave is the result of the interference of two identical waves, traveling in opposite directions. 

wave speed longitudinal 2.gif

This animation shows the particle movement and energy transfer in a longitudinal wave. Note that in a pressure is highest at the area of compression and lowest at the area of rarefaction. 

Standing wave on a open-closed pipe.gif

This image that is taken from shows how the air particles move within an open-closed ends pipe. Note that the particles at the closed end can't move and the particles at the open end move with maximum displacement, creating loud sound.


To be uploaded in the future. For now, visit: Reed Jeffrey's YouTube Channel.

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