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Welcome to the wonderful world of physics

This Physics course exposes students to the most fundamental experimental science, which seeks to explain the universe itself – from the smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. Students develop traditional practical skills and techniques and increase facility in the use of mathematics, the language of physics. The course also develops interpersonal and communication skills, which are essential in modern scientific endeavours. Students will study the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, as well as the social, economic, and environmental implications of the work of physicists.


Topic 1 


Topic 4 


Topic 7 

Atomic + Particle

Topic 2 


Topic 5 

Elec + Mag

Topic 8 


Topic 3 

Thermal physics

Topic 6 

Circ + grav

Topic 9 HL

Waves II

Take me there

Topic 10 HL 


Take me there

Option A


Take me there

Topic 11 HL 

Elec + Induction

Take me there

Option B


Topic 12 HL 


Take me there
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